Hair Loss After COVID? Here’s How to Manage it, and Get Back to Normal.

By Romina Manenti

Hair loss can be expected after the body goes through illness or stress, and we know that COVID is an aggressive virus that can cause changes and damage to the whole body. There is evidence from hair specialists, dermatologists and ongoing research to suggest that post-COVID hair loss is very common. 

While it may be normal to lose hair after illness, I still find it confronting and uncomfortable to witness handfuls of hair fall out during every shower or when I brush it. For me, having reliable information from reputable sources about why this is happening has helped me feel in control and to neutralize any fear. 

I am sure that some of you may be experiencing this, so I would like to share my knowledge with you. There is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming, so I have curated the most useful information about why hair falls out after illness, understanding how the hair grows, and how to support the regrowth of your hair after COVID.

Is It Normal To Lose Hair Everyday?

We shed hair every day as part of the body’s natural renewal cycle. Each hair follicle follows a cycle that includes a growth phase (anagen) and a rest stage (telogen) before the hair naturally falls out. This cycle continues for as long as the hair follicle remains active, and at any point the hairs on your head will be at different stages of growth.

This means that daily hair loss is normal, and the American Academy of Dermatology suggests that anywhere between 50 and 100 strands per day can be expected to be shed. 

Hair Loss After Illness: Telogen Effluvium

Two to three months after recovering from illness or extreme stress, many people notice considerable hair loss. The hair follicle is shocked into entering the telogen phase prematurely, which inevitably leads to shedding. The medical name for this is telogen effluvium, and it has been documented as a very common side effect of COVID.

Telogen effluvium is usually most noticeable at the top layer of the scalp, and shedding can increase to about 300 hairs per day. While it is often called hair loss, you should consider telogen effluvium as increased hair shedding - it’s not permanent, and the follicle will be able to grow hair in the future. Your hair should return to its normal hair growth within six months, but it could take between a year and 18 months for the hair to get back to its previous appearance.

If you notice extreme hair loss or suddenly patchy hair, it is worth consulting with your doctor or a hair expert who can diagnose and identify whether there is anything else going on.

How Can I Stop My Hair From Shedding?

Once the hair has been shocked into prematurely entering the telogen phase, such as after a stress or COVID, there is no way to reverse this - the hair is destined to fall out. In fact, after telogen effluvium the hair may grow back thinner and finer, mimicking the characteristics of hair miniaturization. Do not be concerned - the follicles will fully recover and be ready to grow new hair after the excessive shedding of telogen effluvium.

This means that while you may not be able to stop the hairs from falling out, you can actively support your hair and scalp as it continues its growth cycle and new hairs start to grow.

How Can I Naturally Grow Back My Hair Stronger?

If, like me, you’ve experienced the heartache of watching your hair fall out after COVID, know that there is a way forward. Instead of mourning your old hair, it's time to set up habits and invite in the support to grow your hair back healthier than ever before.

Studies have shown that there is one thing above all else that can improve hair growth: blood flow to the scalp. There are many natural remedies that can increase the supply and quality of the blood reaching the scalp, which will encourage new growth from the root. Here are some natural remedies I consider relevant to support hair growth:


What you eat can have a huge impact on how well your  hair grows in. Adequate intake of nutrients including vitamins A, C, D and E, zinc, B vitamins, iron, biotin, protein and essential fatty acids may help your body overcome telogen effluvium and promote the rate of hair growth.

A balanced diet is key, but some foods I like to include in my diet are eggs, berries, spinach, fatty fish, sweet potatoes, avocados, nuts, seeds, sweet peppers, oysters, shrimps, beans, soy beans and meat.


While whole foods are preferable, often during times of stress it can be hard to eat enough of the nutrients we need to support our hair and health. Loss of appetite, dietary restrictions or an inability to retain nutrients can make supplements a valuable addition on the journey to healthy hair.

While these will be a personal choice, some supplements to consider are vitamin A, B vitamins (specifically biotin), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, Iron, Zinc, and Protein.

Hair Treatments:

Scalp Oils

When used topically on the scalp, certain oils are able to improve blood flow and keep the scalp moisturized, leading to stronger hair growth. These oils are plant-based powerhouses, containing beneficial vitamins, minerals, omegas-fatty acids and vegetable proteins:

  • Castor oil: This oil is rich in antioxidants and ricinoleic acid which has circulation-boosting properties. The ricinoleic acid also enhances the health of hair follicles which in turns promote hair growth.

  • Hemp Seed Oil: Rich in Omega 3, 6 and 9, hemp oil is packed with fatty acids that are necessary for maximizing hair growth. Scalp massage hemp oil promotes blood circulation - your body uses blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to your scalp and skin, which may improve hair growth.

  • Evening Primrose Oil: Evening Primrose Oil, in addition to stimulating healthy skin and hair, has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties that will nourish the scalp and deliver essential nutrients to promote growth.

  • Jojoba Oil: Rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish hair, including vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin E, copper, and zinc. Because it strengthens hair, it is also thought that jojoba oil can prevent hair loss and promote hair thickness.

MAY11 Purifying Scalp Oil is an all-natural blend made with pure, organic Evening Primrose, Hemp Oil, Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil. When massaged in as a regular scalp treatment, it delivers these powerful benefits directly to your hair follicles, promoting strong, healthy hair growth.

Hair Oils

While not directly affecting the way the hair grows from the follicle, oils applied to the lengths of the hair can increase its health and strength, allowing the hair to grow long without damage or breakage. These all-natural oils promote keratin formation and work to replenish nutrients along the hair shaft:

  • Jamaican Black Castor Oil: Jamaican Black Castor Oil is derived from the cold-press extraction of Jamaican castor beans. Considered a natural humectant, it has unique sealing properties that help retain and preserve the hair’s moisture. This helps to thicken and strengthen each hair strand, supporting healthier hair growth.

  • Hemp Seed Oil: Hemp Seed Oil contains high levels of protein that can generate keratin formation. As the hair begins to grow, it can strengthen each hair from the very beginning.

  • Sweet Almond Oil: Almond oil is an emollient, meaning it can fill in any gaps in your hair at a cellular level. This makes your hair feel smoother to the touch, promoting a softer hair texture over time.

  • Avocado Oil: With B-vitamins like biotin that improve keratin infrastructure, avocado oil helps thicken and stimulate hair growth. It also contains vitamin E which helps repair damaged hair and reduce dryness.

  • Olive Squalane Oil: Olive Squalane can act as a great conditioner while helping to restore any lost lubrication. It softens hair texture and adds shine without making the hair strands greasy.

  • Rice Bran Oil: Rice bran oil is packed with vitamins and acids that can help with repairing damaged hair, such as vitamin E, linoleic, and oleic acid. These two acids give your hair more elasticity, which helps stop split ends or breakage.

  • Kiwi Oil: Kiwi Oil contains alpha linoleic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps maintain moisture in the hair, and prevent scaling and drying along the hair shaft. 

MAY11 Revitalizing Hair Oil is formulated with pure, organic Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil and Avocado Oil , delivering these all-natural benefits to both your existing hair and any new growth.

MAY11 Blonde Restoring Hair Oil is an organic blend of Rice Bran Oil, Kiwi Oil ,Castor Oil and Squalane Oil to help maintain the ongoing health of both colored blonde and bleached hair.

If you, too, are experiencing hair loss after COVID, please know that it won’t last forever. While our health is the most important thing, our hair has an ability to both empower and nurture our sense of self. Looking after it as it grows back is an act of self-care and belief in our body ability to heal. 

Romina Manenti - Founder & Creator MAY11

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